Ask Your Eye Doctor: What is “Good Vision”?

To test for good vision includes measuring visual acuity, the ability of the eyes to see and distinguish fine details. In addition to visual acuity, visual integration must also be checked. This is the ability to process and integrate visual information so we can understand what we see.  Other visual skills such as eye teaming (the ability of the eyes to work properly together), eye focusing (the ability of the eyes to easily focus and shift focus to near and distant points), and eye motility (the eyes ability to move together) must also be tested, along with checking eye health.

Good vision includes all of these visual components working well together. Vision screenings done at the pediatricians office and at school are very helpful, but is not a substitute for a comprehensive eye examination. If your child struggling in class, it could be due simply to an undetected vision problem.

Call our West Hollywood optometry office at  (323) 656-9550 to set up an appointment with a Los Angeles eye doctor for a comprehensive eye examination today!